Saturday, August 19, 2006


Well, Jackson is in the animal hospital again. His stomach just doesn't work right. On Friday it bloated up so much that his lungs were compressed and he couldn't breath. So, back to the emergency vet. They punctured a hole in his side to relieve the pressure and then he underwent surgery to reposition his stomach in order to prevent recurrances. They also noticed a lot of 'junk' in his stomach and have put him on some drugs to try to stimulate his stomach activities - like digestion and purging. If the drugs don't work, then they can do some exploratory surgery to figure it out or we can just bring him to the vet every few months when he's ready to die again. We are supposed to get him back on Monday. What a bummer.

All else is status quo. It's beautiful weather here and there isn't anything worth complaining about. Keep Uncle Dean in your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry guys! Hope it all works out. Love you.