Thursday, August 17, 2006


I found our camera and am finally able to get some pictures out to everyone. I continue to be amazed at the rate destruction can happen. I believe we had our first inspection today. The old foundation has been removed in the kitchen and dining room. All excavation is complete for the new footings, new sewer and new portion of the home. Chris thinks that Monday is pour day. I don't think we'll be having a pour party - at least I won't be there if there is one. Picture 3 above is our backyard where we used to have a patio, arbor and lots of vegetation; this will be part of our new kitchen and dining room. Picture 1 is the current state of our kitchen looking out into our dining room and den since that wall has been removed. It used to have cabinets and an oven and stuff like that. Picture 2 is our living room. That is the woodstove insert and refrigerator against the wall and our new sewer line going through the floor. WOW!
Oh yeah Par, I saw your message about Mexico and think it's a great idea. But, we have 3 school teachers in the family and will have 3 - maybe 4 - school age children next year. I'd like to make sure they'd be able to make it. Know what I mean? Otherwise, I'm in. We'll start saving now.


Anonymous said...

year round schools have 2 week breaks in Oct. I think, I'll have to confirm! House looks like it is moving fast!

Anonymous said...

the comment above is mine! Forgot to put my name. sorry

aunt par