Friday, August 22, 2008


Someone asked us to post a couple more pics from our trip. Here's a couple of the kids driving our horses on our wild west cook-out trip in Jackson. Each child had a chance to control the two incredibly beautiful and large horses pulling our wagon. Their names were "smith" and "wesson". Our cowboy in charge of the wagon was Clint.

Britten starts Kindergarten on Tuesday. It's a pretty exciting milestone. Both kids will have a bit of adjusting to do. Hope all is well with everyone.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a great vacation. Was Hailey sitting on Clints lap? Kindergarten! I will have to call you and find out how his first day goes! Love you


Anonymous said...

Hi...thanks for the I want to see the Great Gas Station : ) Sue

Anonymous said...

Yup - she wasn't afraid at all. In fact, she went first and then Britten decided to try. Totally different kids. Now about that gas station...we'll see...

Anonymous said...

Britten sure is tall its cute how lil sis is catching up ,,,,,,,,,


Simon and Michelle said...

Looks like a great vacation. What a great learning experience for the kids. They will remember that one forever.