Monday, February 26, 2007


Yes, that is our house. For all those who have forgotten what it looked like before...join the club. But these pics are fresh off the camera and prove that there has been activity these past few months. Not only has Hailey turned into a little girl, but our home has doubled in size. We still have some work to do but we should be in within the next few weeks. Hopefully Joe will be down to help out with the floor. Chris is going to paint the interior and Heidi is going to stay out of the way with the kids.

Speaking of the kids, they are doing wonderful. They're finally over that nasty cold/cough that everyone seemed to have. Above are two pics of Hailey that I had to share. One in her valentine's outfit from gram....the other from the other grandma next to one of the oak trees here. Britten's doing terrific. Just a perfect 3 yr old who is interested in everything and soaks it all in. Their capacity to learn, remember and process new information constantly amazes me.
Chris is staying busy with Geopolis Spatial Solutions - if anyone knows of anyone needing some GIS work, shop here first. We're the cheapest firm in town. Heidi starts her new position at work this week. It'll be a challenge but she's really looking forward to it. Jackson hasn't bloated up in a while so we're thrilled about that. Spring is only 22 days away! Can't wait.


Simon and Michelle said...

The house looks great. It'll feel so good to be in it. I completely agree with how the kids absorb things so quickly. Rayann constantly amazes us. Hailey is so beautiful. Give Britten a kiss too.

Anonymous said...

Wow Hailey is a cutie pie. She looks like her mom! ;) The house has changed drastically that is great. Looks like it will be done for my April visit! Good luck this week in your new position. Way to go HAllFORD!!!

Anonymous said...

oh sorry that was from me......


Anonymous said...

I know who you are my anonymous friend. I love your comments. Thanks Michelle! Give our love back to Rayann too.