Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays to everyone. The kids had a very memorable Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's. Santa arrived sometime last night (even with the fog) and filled their stockings with toys, clothes and all sorts of things. Hailey got a stroller and new potty chair; Britten got a trombone, and a cool semi truck. They took wonderful naps and are now sleeping soundly. The house hasn't had much progress in the last week or so. Windows, roof and door are complete - stucco is 1/2 way done. The electrician, AC man and plumber are supposed to start next week. Hopefully things will get moving in the new year. Arizona was great. The kids had a wonderful time with Grandma Cathi and Dolan and with Aunt Par and Uncle Justin. We have some great memories of that week. Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. Happy Birthday Alan and congratulations to Michelle and Simon.


Simon and Michelle said...

Looks like Hailey got caught with her hands in the cookie dough. How adorable. They both look like they had a wonderful time. We had a great day at Pops's and Psalms's house. Debbie and Bonnie were there and it was so great to see them. Aloha to all.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures Sister. Miss you guys. Love ya

aunt par