Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays to everyone. The kids had a very memorable Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's. Santa arrived sometime last night (even with the fog) and filled their stockings with toys, clothes and all sorts of things. Hailey got a stroller and new potty chair; Britten got a trombone, and a cool semi truck. They took wonderful naps and are now sleeping soundly. The house hasn't had much progress in the last week or so. Windows, roof and door are complete - stucco is 1/2 way done. The electrician, AC man and plumber are supposed to start next week. Hopefully things will get moving in the new year. Arizona was great. The kids had a wonderful time with Grandma Cathi and Dolan and with Aunt Par and Uncle Justin. We have some great memories of that week. Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. Happy Birthday Alan and congratulations to Michelle and Simon.