Monday, April 10, 2006

Back Home

We had a very eventful yet relaxing time in Santa Barbara. Our hotel was beautiful, we walked to the ocean, played at the pool, played in the park, ate great food and hardly napped!!! Hailey and Britten hopefully had a memorable time. They will need a few weeks to recover on all of their lost sleep. Hailey turned one in perfect style. Thanks to everyone who sent their wishes. She had her check-up today and despite all that food she shoves down her mouth, she's only gained 3/4 of an inch and less than one pound since her last check-up in January. I'm not worried, it's just interesting since she's such a big eater like Britten - except that Britten is growing like a vine.
We saw Aunt Par, Uncle Justin and Dolly in SB. Very fun! Thanks guys. Talk to everyone soon.

1 comment:

Simon and Michelle said...

The kids look great. Glad you all had a good time.