Dolan's Surgery
Dolan had his surgery at 5 PM Pacific Time this evening. I spoke with Mom while he was in. She was on a walk, collecting her thoughts. Yesterday was difficult but they were able to spend a lot of time alone for their anniversary. Dolan's family is in town and is being very supportive of Dolan and his future. They are planning on working with Mom on making the house wheelchair accessible and safe. Mom didn't think that she'd have a good idea on the success of the surgery for 24 hours or so. She said she'd call with status when she was ready. I got the impression that she didn't want too many phone calls over the next day but she didn't come out and say that. I think it may be best to give them a little space. I don't know much about this type of procedure. Mom said the surgery itself isn't risky but the period afterward is critical. They will be watching his blood counts carefully as well as the surgery site.