Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Welcome to our "Blog". We figured this would be the best venue for keeping our family and friends up to date on the kids, the dog and the chickens.
Speaking of the chickens, they laid their first egg yesterday. We are excited. Their eggs should be ready to eat in a month or so.

Well that's it for now. Please come and visit us soon.


Anonymous said...

Your chicken's have grown up so big and healthy since the last time I've seen them!!! Can't wait to see more pics (of the kids and family). :)

Anonymous said...

dems some purty chickens.

Anonymous said...

How we know you didn't turn the kids into chicken? ALOHA!

Hallford Family said...

No fair - everyone is anonymous!! I confess, we turn our kids into chickens at night and then let them be adorable little babies during the day. HMH

Anonymous said...

Are you sure its good to eat month old eggs?...aloha