Tuesday, July 07, 2009



Specialist sees Britten Paul on 7.7.09. After a thorough exam and secondary review of x-rays, it is determined that the boy only suffered a sprain. Patient will be confined to a sling for approximately three weeks. Physical activities should be limited but a cast is not required. Witnesses claim that the parents and the patient were smiling profusely at the news.

On the entertainment front, Ms Paradise and Mr Justin might be receiving a visit from the Lake Havesu City Stork within the next 24 hours. We will keep the reporters on duty until the news is confirmed. Finally, Happy Anniversary to the Haase's. Congratulations on 2 yrs!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

No Swimming For B

We certainly learned a lesson yesterday. Don't hang from the highest monkey bars if your hands are slippery from a recent sunscreen application. Oh yeah, if you do fall, just roll with it instead of trying to catch yourself. Brave Little Britten experienced this first hand yesterday and is now wearing a cast from his arm pit to his hand. Potentially for the rest of summer. He has a fracture on his radius, near the elbow. We haven't seen the orthopedic yet so hopefully it is minor as those things go.
The kids have had an eventful summer so far. Starting with Britten's birthday, Laci's party, lots of family and a few days at the cabin with Grandpa and Grandma where they caught some nice looking trout.
We're off to the local Independance Day parade here in a couple hours. Britten has a couple fieldtrip with the YMCA this summer. Next up is the San Francisco Zoo. We'd like to plan a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the Sea Horse Exhibit and we also have a week planned in Arizona to meet Baby Hanke.

Happy recent and upcoming Birthdays to: Austin, Paradise, Amber, Braden, Siven and the new baby. Also, congratulation to Thomas and Sue. They welcomed Baby Michael into the world on May 26.