Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fairy Land

Took the kids to a place called Fairyland this weekend. It's in Oakland and has been around since about 1950. Supposedly it was the inspiration for Disneyland but I can't legitimize that by any means. The kids, however, had a great time. Here are a few snapshots of our day.
Next weekend we go to the circus. It's making a stop in P.Hill so we have to go. Not sure if it's traditional or modern or what. Hopefully it will be fun for the kids and hopefully there will be cotton candy b/c that's what it's all about.

Not too much going on here. Kids are growing, still healthy and happy, so can't complain. Chris is waiting to find out about his full-time position at the county. Heidi is trying to get mid-year evaluations complete at her job....5 more days. The oleander is coming back in the backyard by the canal - the county flood control district came through a few weeks back and cut out all the vegetation growing on the fence smaller than 4-inches in diameter. The chickens are still finicky and laying only when they feel like it. Jackson is good but not getting as much attention as he'd like.
We're getting geared up for our road trip. The kids get to see where Louis & Clark made some of their historic adventures and see some of the most pristine country in this nation. Can't wait!!
Happy July B-day's to Amber, Siven and Uncle Ben (the silly uncle). Happy Anniversay to Par & Justin on 8/1 and Happy b-day to Justin on 8/5. Adios.

Monday, July 07, 2008


I'm not sure where June went. I guess it probably passed while I was out buying cards for Birthdays, Anniversaries & Father's Day....for all those that I was able to - to all those that I missed....sorry - it's been very busy.

So - Happy (belated) Anniversaries to Angel & Jeff, Nathan & Amanda and Susan & Thomas. Happy (belated) Birthday's to Britten, Austin, Paradise, Braden, Amber, Siven, Ben. I feel like I missed someone.

Another heat wave is upon us here in the Bay Area. It probably doesn't compare to 120 degrees in Lake Havesu but triple digit is hot anywhere to me. It's supposed to cool a little bit by this weekend - which is timely since the kids will be outside all day at a swim meet with the Taylors while Chris and I go rafting. It's the trip where we crashed badly last year. We are going to conquer 'the mother' this year.

We have plans for a family road trip to Wyoming and Montana in August. Should be a lot of fun and a lot of quality time before Britten starts kindergarten. Hope to see some great sites in Yellowstone. Some great history with respect to the Oregon Trail and Louis and Clark. Can't wait!
Hope everyone had a safe 4th and that all are staying cool this summer.
Oh yeah - the pictures: first, Austin's Star Wars Birthday Cake; Halloween in July - the kids showing off their costumes; The kids and their friends for our pre-parade breakfast on the 4th.