Monday, December 17, 2007


Can you claim jet lag if you only left the time zone for a portion of your vacation and it was only an hour different? For some reason, I'm having trouble getting focused on the tasks at hand - like getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. I feel like I've been off forever even though it's only been a few days. Maybe it's because the Bears lost, again.
Ah, but I digress. I just returned from Arizona where I got to spend some quality time with Baby Brooklyn... and Par & Justin & Mom&Dolan....of course. Brooklyn is such a sweetie. She reminds me so much of Hailey when she was little. Speaking of which, the pictures here are of Hailey when she isn't so little. The one of her and Britten is our home all decorated and the other one is Hailey in Union Square, San Francisco on our mother/daughter day out. The final picture is little Brooklyn.

Well, Par and Justin are doing a great job. It's so cool watching them and the baby together. They're naturals.

Everything is just fine here. Still a lot of leaves that need to be raked - where are you Dad? If we wait any longer, I'll have to rake them myself. Happy December birthday to Dolan. And a Happy New Year Birthday to Alan just in case I don't get back here by then.
Oh yeah - Par, by the way, I made Egg Nog when I got home today. It was really good. I saw the recipe in some magazine on the plane. It's extra good with Bailey's Irish Creme. Love yah.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Babies in the air

November is a fine time of the year for giving birth. Yes, it's true. My baby sister, Psalms, is a spunky Scorpio - of course sharing her special day with the one and only Prince Charles....little Preston just celebrated 6 years of excellent living....I too am fortunate enough to be a November baby - (thanks mom and dad). Most importantly, two little nieces or perhaps a niece and nephew are going to join other fine Scorpios before them and become little November babies very soon. Both Jessica and Paradise are counting and timing their contractions carefully, bags are packed, fathers-to-be are pacing, phone numbers have been stored, relatives are on stand-by, bets have been made...we can't stand the suspense - BRING ON THE BABIES!
The autumn air is crisp and perfect for propelling the sound of a newborns' piercing cry. I just can't wait to meet the little ones. Happy Birthdays go out to Psalms, Preston, Jeff (although he's not a Scorpio..), the newbies, Danny De Vito and Jerry at work - he probably thought I forgot but nope...not I.

The kids and I went to the zoo last weekend. It was cool and here are a few memories we chose to share. Happy Turkey Day to one and all and Thank You to all the current and past Veterans. Go Bears.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007


Thank goodness for the downpours last week here in the Bay Area. We aren't in the severe fire danger that our Southern Californian compadres find themselves in. The weather this week is absolutely perfect - unless you're dealing with Mother Nature. I decided that I'm going to take a beach day later this week and ditch work. It'll likely be my last opportunity until next year sometime and I could use the peace and quiet away from work....can't wait.
The kids are terrific as usual. Thank goodness there's nothing to report. We spent some time at the local cornfield and pumpkin patch yesterday. The rule was that they each had to be able to carry the pumpkin they chose. They did pretty good. We went on a tractor ride and played in the corn maze. It was a lot of fun. We've planted some bulbs for next spring - have many more to go - and seeded all of our lawns waiting for the sun to help with the germination. The kids are looking forward to trick or treating next week - too bad that the Great Pumpkin comes afterwards and takes all their candy....
Talk to everyone soon.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Disneyland 2007

Well, we survived the Disneyland trip. We've been back for a week and are still recovering from all the excitement of Arizona and Disneyland. The kids had a terrific time seeing their aunts, uncle and Grandparents. Of course Mickey Mouse, Pooh, Tigger and Goofy stirred them up a little as well. Here are a few pictures they wanted us to share: the girls at Paradise's shower, the family with Mickey and the kids on a giant watermelon in Goofy's garden.
Well, now we're home and trying to get the yard ready for fall and winter. The backyard grass is starting to come in, we've planted many new plants, we have the bulbs ready for planting in a few more weeks, we've raked and pruned most of the front yard, sprinklers are almost complete...just a bit more work until we're ready for the front yard grass. It's been a lot of work but well worth it.
Happy October Birthday's to Jessica and Simon. Talk to everyone soon.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Some of the cousins

Here are four (five if you count Jackson) of the 'Lutz Cousins' chillin in the backyard eating Aunt Angel's birthday cake. We just thought we'd share....Have a great football weekend.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Whew - we got the next post in just under the Paradise - imposed 1 month rule. Here are a few pics of the kids from the zoo last weekend. We had a lot of fun. Chris took these on his phone so the quality isn't the best. We had a really good time watching the young male elephant playing with his tire. It was very cool. No reptiles for the day - they were all hiding. But Hailey took the Cheetah for a ride and Britten had the Tiger to finish out the day. Talk to everyone soon. Happy Belated B-day to Angel!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Secret Camping Place

We'd tell you where it was but then it would only generate more traffic. It's somewhere in California and we'll definately be going back. Too bad Liz and Stuart couldn't stay. Maybe next time. We spent 4 nights with the kids in this place and had such a great time. Jackson, Hailey and Britten did a terrific job hiking, sleeping in their sleeping bags, playing at the beach, counting sea lions, spotting whales and all that other camping stuff. We will be back.
We have one more big trip planned this year - Disneyland - sounds like a blast but we're making a pit stop in AZ to visit Paradise and family first so it will be a long one. Hope all is well with everyone and especially with all the new babies, new parents, and soon to be new parents.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


This one is for you Paradise. Nathan, Joe and Angel came over the other night. Chris' sister also joined us. We had 9 big kids and 7 little kids playing, drinking and bar-b-que-ing. It was a lot of fun. It was so cool to see Alan. We eventually figured out that we had a 2 yr old, 3 yr old, 4 yr old, 5 yr old, 2-7 yr olds and of course Laci. They all played together nicely and didn't get to bed until after 10.... oops. Here are some pics of the event.

Sue and Thomas had a lovely wedding earlier this month and just got back from their honeymoon in Hawaii. Britten and Hailey did a great job with their roles but I don't have any digital pictures to share yet. Hopefully soon. Chris and I went Whitewater Rafting two weekends ago. It was so crazy and cool. If anyone will be around July 12-13 of next year, let us know so you can join us. It's an incredible experience.
Talk to everyone soon.
Happy Birthday to Ben and belated Birthday to Siven. If anyone talks to Psalms - I need her address and/or phone number.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Congratulations to Simon and Michelle on the birth of their son. I don't know his name yet but I'm sure it'll be a nice one. Can't wait to hear all about him and maybe even meet him and little Kyle one of these days.

We took the kids to the local 4th of July parade this morning. It was pretty cool but very hot. It was still over 100 degrees at 7 this evening. Jackson played in the kids' pool to keep cool.
Happy July and late June birthdays to Paradise, Austin, Amber, and Siven. Of course the new little guy will be right in there, 1/2 way between Austin and Amber - better give him an "a" name.

Susan and Thomas get married this weekend. How exciting. It's supposed to cool down by about 10 degrees so it ought to be perfect. Congratulations to them.

The first picture above is Hailey trying on shoes in my closet and the other is the kids and Jackson posing at the parade.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Well Summer is finally here. We are thrilled to be able to experience it with air conditioning. I guess it's important to appreciate the luxeries in life. Our home is coming along slowly but surely. Chris paints every spare moment but there is still a lot of work to do. He needs a few more spare moments. The kids still can't figure out how to fall asleep before 9:30 PM. We really need to figure that one out. Jackson and the chickens are happy to be rolling around in the dust bowl that was once our back yard. We have to plant some more grass - everywhere.
The kids and Heidi went up to Sonora for Father's Day. Chris got some quality alone time. We saw all the Sonora kin folk and then met up with Heidi's high school friends. The kids got to play in a real creek!!! What a joy for them. Keri's boys built a dam and Britten and Hailey were able to undermine it's integrity. Oops. It was wonderful to see Karen and Keri again. It's so hard to believe that it's been 9 children and 16 years since graduation.
The picture above is the California cousins the morning after Aunt Michelle & Uncle Don's party. Very cool kids!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Well, in case you haven't heard, we have moved back into our house. We love it soooooo much. We had our first triple digit temperature of the year and now have AC to help us cope. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where we packed the cords for our cameras so we have no pictures of the house or Britten's birthday to share at this time. I have a feeling that Aunt Sue may spare a few for us though. Speaking of Britten, he turned 4 on Monday. We had a small party with Chris' family and the Taylors. Corn dogs and carrots for everyone followed by Mudd Pie Ice Cream Cake....Yummy. Paradise and Justin are coming to visit this weekend. We'll head up to Sonora for Father's Day. It should be very nice - but short. And maybe we'll have a new nephew any day now....hang in there Michelle. Talk to everyone soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In Memory of....

Many people I know spent Memorial Day Weekend celebrating summer, sun and remembering our Nation's fallen heros. I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with my incredible family celebrating Uncle Dean's legacy. I'll never be able to find the right words to adequately express the beauty and perfection of the services for Uncle Dean. He was such a unique man and truly deserved the service that Terri so wonderfully put together. I only wish that all of my siblings and Chris could have seen it first hand. My thanks to Terri for such an appropriate send off for Uncle Dean. My prayers go out to Deanna, Clayton and Terri.
I hope that everyone returned home safely from Florida. I came home a day early and surprised Chris, the kids and Chris' parents. It was so nice to see them. Florida was beautiful but I missed my family. The house still isn't ready but we're thinking we should be ready to move in this weekend. It's so beautiful. I can't wait to show it to everyone. Our yard could use a little love but it'll come with time.
Father's Day weekend will bring a mini-family reunion here in Northern California. Paradise is driving out and we're hoping to spend at least one day in Sonora. There may be a few Hawaii kids there too but that's not really set yet. We shall see.

The pictures above are: Britten and Hailey playing together on their bike; The cousins and their grandparents at Uncle Dean's service; The girl cousins after the funeral.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

This one is for you Paradise

Here's a picture of Baby Kyle Lutz that Ben and Nitu sent out yesterday. It's such a beautiful picture I felt obligated to share it with everyone else. Uncle Ben - Britten thinks you need a haircut. Maybe a buzz cut like Austin? Also, a picture of Hailey in a birthday outfit from Aunt Angel & family.
It's all good here. The weather is gorgeous. Chris is laying floor, the kids are napping. The Warriors won. The A's won. Happy Birthday Laci!

Upcoming events: Susie & Dick's b-days; Dolly's b-day; Joe's B-day; Mother's Day;

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Well, it's May. That means my half-birthday is approaching. More importantly, Little Laci will soon be Sweet Sixteen. How amazing is that? The crazy thing is that Chris and I saw each other for the first time when she was a little infant swinging in her swing. Happy Birthday Laci. I hope you have a wonderful day and that we're able to spend at least a portion of it with you.
There's not too much new to report on over here. Susan and Thomas' wedding is only 2 months away. How exciting for them. It's going to be very beautiful. The house has stalled once again but what else is new. Our cabinets have been installed but still need the countertop, fixtures and all the other stuff to make the place habitable. The kids are terrific and amaze me every day with their humor, compassion, love, fun and innocence. I just love them. Happy cinco de mayo to all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


As promised, here's the picture of Britten after his first professional haircut. Of course I'm a little biased, but I think you're looking at one handsome boy. That's all for now. Hasta.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Happy April, Easter and Birthday to one and all. It's been a busy month. Grandma Cathi and Uncle Simon and his family were out here last week. We finally got to meet Rayann!! What a wonderful family get together. Six of the many cousins were together. It doesn't happen often enough.
Hailey turned 2 on Easter Sunday. She is so thankful for all of her beautiful outfits, stickers and purses. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts.
Britten had his first 'real' haircut today with Grandma and Grandpa at the barber. He looks so different without his locks but very cute. He wanted to look like Cousin Austin but we didn't go that far. I'll try to get a picture.
There is progress on the house but still no real date to move in. The kitchen cabinets came in today. They're supposed to be installed tomorrow. The downstairs floor will hopefully be done this weekend with Uncle Joe's help. Then there's still a bunch of plumbing, electrical and finish a lot that I probably don't know about. It's definitely getting close though.
Peace out.

Friday, March 16, 2007


We have no pictures to speak of. Only words to read of. We finally ordered our cabinets for the kichen. We expect them to be delivered April 11. Today the interior doors and window and door trim were placed. Chris has the entire house primed now it just needs to be painted. We need to work on the floor, finish the interior trim and then start unpacking. It won't be long now - hopefully.
The kids are doing well. I think we all finally kicked that cold/flu thing that was bouncing back and forth. Hailey has been going to Britten's pre-school room for a time each day so that she can adjust when she turns 2 and goes to that room for good. Britten holds her hand and doesn't let her out of his sight. I wonder if my big brother ever did that. He's picking her friends and everything. I think my big brother did something along those lines....
Well Spring is in the air in Northern California. We're going to go to a St Patricks festival tomorrow and hopefully we'll all get pinched. No, really. I don't think we're going to wear green. We'll see. Looking forward to the big 2nd birthday party on Easter Sunday. It should be a hoot.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Yes, that is our house. For all those who have forgotten what it looked like before...join the club. But these pics are fresh off the camera and prove that there has been activity these past few months. Not only has Hailey turned into a little girl, but our home has doubled in size. We still have some work to do but we should be in within the next few weeks. Hopefully Joe will be down to help out with the floor. Chris is going to paint the interior and Heidi is going to stay out of the way with the kids.

Speaking of the kids, they are doing wonderful. They're finally over that nasty cold/cough that everyone seemed to have. Above are two pics of Hailey that I had to share. One in her valentine's outfit from gram....the other from the other grandma next to one of the oak trees here. Britten's doing terrific. Just a perfect 3 yr old who is interested in everything and soaks it all in. Their capacity to learn, remember and process new information constantly amazes me.
Chris is staying busy with Geopolis Spatial Solutions - if anyone knows of anyone needing some GIS work, shop here first. We're the cheapest firm in town. Heidi starts her new position at work this week. It'll be a challenge but she's really looking forward to it. Jackson hasn't bloated up in a while so we're thrilled about that. Spring is only 22 days away! Can't wait.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy February

Just a quick note to say HI to all. We had a very cold January. But survived and have a had a beautiful February so far. The groundhog did not see his shadow so that means the weeds will be growing faster than last year...oh dear. We have a lot to do in our yard. The electrician, plumber and HVAC people were doing their thing at our house last week. Hoping for sheetrock in the next week or so. Still a lot of work but it's moving.
The kids are fighting colds and viruses. Britten had pink eye and an ear infection this week. Poor kid. Hailey has her eternal runny nose. But that's as bad as it got for her so no complaints there. Chris and Heidi are also fighting colds. Heidi was in St Louis a little while about cold. Hailey has used the potty 3 times so far. She's a natural. Maybe she'll be potty trained by 2?? I couldn't find any big-girl undies to fit her at the store though. She's still in 12-18 month clothes. I'm sure we'll figure it out. Go Bears; Happy Valentine's Day; Happy B-day's to Nathan, Chris & Dian.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Here are some more Pics I've been meaning to share with the family. We played tourist in SF not too long ago and had a great day with the kids at Pier 39. We went to the aquarium and played in the recreational area on the waterfront. It was a beautiful California winter day. Much warmer than it has been lately. The one family picture is from a family hike in Briones and is intended to let everyone know that Jackson is thriving. Talk to everyone soon.